MHK Website
In my Emerging Technologies class we were introduced to the Abode XD program and utilized it to build a custom website, ignoring typical design limitations that can exists. The client that I adopted was MHK Piano Studios. The piano studio has a very good reputation and it’s instructor showed a prestigious background; however, the website was highly outdated and a big turn off to prospective clients.
In my redesign, I created a color palette that was cool and classic, with an orange pop color to represent to life music can bring to someone. I organized the website to provide a plethora of information to prospective clients while also have a use for existing students. Students can get on to pay for their classes, check the calendar for important events, and to access their lessons and homework. This duality allows for the website to have purpose for all visitors and be worth the investment.
Deliverables: 8-page website prototype